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Repair Café Glasgow at Clyde Community Hall

26 October 2024
- Clyde Community Hall
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What happens at a Repair Café?

When you arrive with an item for repair, our greeter will ask you to complete a registration form.  We track what is brought in and whether it is repaired. Information is used in our reporting to the Scottish Government as well as for the repair community in general.

Depending on the time you turn up and the number of participants, there could be a short wait before a suitable repairer is free but we do our best to keep this waiting time to a minimum.  This gives you the opportunity to enjoy a hot drink and some tasty treats in the café.  

When an appropriate repairer is free you are invited to sit with them, watch the repair taking place and even assist with it if you so wish.  The repairer will always explain what is happening so it's also a chance for you to learn and pick up some new practical skills.

If your possession is irreparable - and unfortunately sometimes this is the case - the reasons for this will be explained and advice given on the safest and easiest way to dispose of it.